Imagine a Dragon
Crew begins around August 26, 2024.
Performance dates are September 26-28, 2024.
For: Grades 4-12
Form Due Date: August 22
Interview Date: August 22 from 3:30PM to 5:00PM Schottenstein (HS) Theater
Crew Interviews are short one-on-one interviews between the tech director (Stephen Hayes) and the student interested in crew where the tech director assesses the student's interests in crew. While we try to have as many students involved as possible, there have been productions when we have not been able to accommodate everyone who interviews.
The crew list will be posted on the crew list page several days after crew interviews.
Steps to interview for crew:
1. Complete and submit the crew interview form by August 22
2. Go to the Schottenstein (HS) Theater on August 22 at 3:30PM and interview for crew. You can leave after your interview is finished. You can find the Schottenstein (HS) Theater easily by entering in the main HS doors. The theater is straight ahead through the lobby.
3. Check the crew list several days after crew interviews.
4. If your name is on the crew list, you will be added to the production Canvas page where you can find the crew calendar and more information. Parents and students will be emailed information as well.
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