The following rules have been established to ensure that every theatre participant has a positive experience. While there is much talent, there is no one individual “star,” and only by working together can we achieve success.
Rehearsal, Build, and Production Rules
Attend all assigned rehearsals and builds and be on time. Let the director and assistant director know if you have issues with any dates, and email as soon as possible in case of emergency.
Attendance is mandatory for all tech rehearsals, dress rehearsals, performances, and strike (for crew only) unless excused by the director for extenuating circumstances.
Come prepared. Cast: Bring scripts, a pencil, water bottle, creative energy, and wear clothing you can move in. Crew: Bring your tools, work clothes, work shoes, hair ties, water bottle, and creative energy.
Treat yourself and those around you with respect and kindness.
Follow school policies on discipline, safety, attendance, substance abuse, academics and academic integrity.
In order to participate in a school-day rehearsal or performance, cast and crew members must be in attendance each period of the school day. Field trips, alternate learning experiences, concurrent enrollment, medical/dental appointments, and special family situations may be excused by a building administrator.
Students with a quarter final failing grade in one or more classes cannot participate in extracurricular activities without permission of their building principal. Please contact the director and assistant director if a student is stressed about managing workload so we can work together on a solution.
Follow all crew building rules, including tool usage, painting, safe clothing, and cage guidelines. These rules are vital for personal safety and the safety of others. Students must be certified each school year before they can use power tools.
Food must be put away before rehearsals and builds and is not allowed backstage or in the hallways during tech, dress, and performances. Water bottles are always allowed.
Cast and Crew members must stay in the rehearsal or build space unless given permission by a theatre staff member. Students are not permitted to wander around the school buildings.
Respect our spaces and clean up after yourself.
Outsiders are not allowed to attend rehearsals and builds.
Cast members may need to work on lines, characterization, vocals and dance outside of rehearsal time. Lines need to be memorized by the off book date.
Pitch in when help is needed.
Support fellow company members and ask for support when needed.
Listen to the director, designer, vocal director, and tech director, follow directions and complete assigned tasks.
Take ownership. This is your show, your character, your sweat, your talents, and your designs, so make it something you are proud of! Give your best every day, and we will all succeed.
Major Offenses
The following offenses may result in the offending company member’s dismissal from the production/company and/or loss of Thespian/ Jr. Thespian points.